The company on Tuesday unveiled the Xiaomi Pad 6 in India. The business introduced the tablet earlier this year in China, with an 11-inch LCD screen. It is operated by MIUI 14 based on Android 13 and is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 870 chipset. A rear camera of 13-megapixel and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera are also included in the Xiaomi Pad 6. On a full charge, it is stated that the tablet’s battery can last more than two days.
Xiaomi Pad 6 price in India
The cost of the Xiaomi Pad 6 in India is Rs. 26,999 for the 6GB + 128GB RAM and storage combination and Rs. 28,999 for the 8GB + 256GB storage model. It will come in the colors Graphite Grey and Mist Blue. The prices of both configurations can also be reduced by customers using an ICICI Bank quick discount offer, bringing them down to Rs. 23,999 and Rs. 25,999, respectively.
The tablet will start selling in India on June 21 through Amazon,, and other retail locations, claims Xiaomi. The Xiaomi Pad 6 keyboard, cover, and Smart Pen (2nd Gen) prices are Rs. 4,999, Rs. 1,499, and Rs. 5,999. On June 21, all these accessories will be auctioned on auction.
Xiaomi Pad 6 specifications
The recently released Xiaomi Pad 6 comes pre-installed with MIUI 14, based on Android 13. It has an 11-inch 2.8K (1,800×2,880 pixels) IPS LCD screen with a maximum brightness of 550 nits, 309ppi pixel density, support for Dolby Vision, and a refresh rate of up to 144Hz. According to Xiaomi, the display can be refreshed at seven different frequencies: 30Hz, 48Hz, 50Hz, 60Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, and 144Hz.
The new Xiaomi tablet has a Snapdragon 870 SoC under the hood, 8GB of LPDDR5 RAM, and 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage. The Xiaomi Pad 6 has a 13-megapixel back camera for pictures and videos. The tablet also boasts an 8-megapixel front-facing camera with a 105-degree field of view for selfies and video chats.
The tablet includes compatibility with Dolby Atmos and a quad-speaker configuration. The Xiaomi Pad 6 offers Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, and a USB Type-C port for connectivity. It has an accelerometer, gyroscope, ambient light, and hall sensor sensors. The tablet is compatible with the second-generation Xiaomi Smart Pen and a keyboard add-on.
With an 8,840mAh battery, Xiaomi’s Pad 6 is said to have a battery life of up to two days on a single charge. Xiaomi claims the tablet can be fully charged in 100 minutes and supports 33W cable charging. According to the manufacturer, the tablet also has dimensions of 253.95×165.18×6.51mm and a weight of 490g.