With the help of a new feature added to WhatsApp, users can now send quick video messages. Before the new function, customers could reply via text or instant voice, but now they can record small videos and send them instead of text messages. The length of these in-the-moment video messages is up to 60 seconds. The company claims that these messages are end-to-end encrypted. All users worldwide will soon be able to utilise the feature as it is being rolled out.
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, posted about the latest upgrade on Facebook. He demonstrated how the new WhatsApp function would operate in a little video. This capability is comparable to recording real-time audio messages, as the video demonstrates. The text box will have a video recorder icon next to it that can be used to capture brief films of up to 60 seconds.
The instant chat service blogged in detail about the new version. The video messages can send tailored birthday wishes, good news updates, or other greetings. One can access the feature by selecting the icon adjacent to the text box. When someone opens a message, the videos will, by default, start playing without sound. Tap on the video once more to activate the sound.
According to the site, the feature is currently being gradually rolled out and will soon be accessible to users everywhere on both Android and iOS. Download the recent version of WhatsApp from the Google Play Store or the App Store to manually access the feature.
It should be mentioned that WhatsApp already has a feature for sending images or movies. The new function, however, expedites the process of sending video communications. According to the business, these messages are end-to-end encrypted for secure interaction.
When WhatsApp was found testing the ability to send video messages to Android and iOS devices last month, the news of this capability was first made public.