According to reports, WhatsApp will soon offer iPhone users a shortcut for the camera so they can quickly access it. According to a rumor from WaBetaInfo, the WhatsApp beta for the iOS upgrade will have this new functionality. WhatsApp is owned by Meta. According to the latest version sent via the TestFlight beta program, the camera shortcut for iPhones will be added to the navigation bar and will appear for users who can eventually start communities.
Users will be able to easily use the camera within the app thanks to the new camera shortcut in WhatsApp. Currently, WhatsApp has a distinct camera tab, but the Communities tab will eventually take its place. The camera shortcut on iPhones reportedly resembles the one on Android, but the feature is currently under development and not accessible to customers. It is anticipated to launch with a further update very shortly.
The same camera shortcut was recently made available to Android beta users who could also form communities through WhatsApp, but it was later removed owing to a glitch.
WhatsApp plans to introduce a new function that will enable users to search messages by date. According to, the instant messaging service is developing a search message by date function. Users will see a new calendar icon once the feature is implemented when they search for a message in a discussion. Users will be able to view messages for a specific date with the help of this symbol. Additionally, by just scrolling through the discussion, users will be able to turn off the date view.
Not only that, but this month the instant messaging software will also launch a new privacy feature that will allow users to hide their online active status from particular contacts. The feature is already accessible to beta testers and will shortly be made generally available.