Cell Phone Etiquette – How to Use Your Phone With Consideration

The lack of consideration by some people who use cell phones is driving people bonkers. Here’s how to be a thoughtful cell phone user.

magine this: you are at the movies watching the newest blockbuster and the good guy is about to save the world. You are eating your salty popcorn, totally engrossed in the flick, and a cell phone starts to ring behind you. You turn around to give the girl an evil glare, annoyed your focus on the movie has been shattered, but she is paying no attention to you as she is, get this, answering her call.

Another scenario… You and your Honey are out for a romantic dinner. The music is low and you are engrossed in a conversation about your plans for the future. The lady at the neighbouring table has a cell phone beside her water glass and, in the middle of your main course, it starts to ring. In gruesome detail, the woman proceeds to tell the caller in a roaring voice all about her medical test results and the procedures she has been through. Only when you are starting on your dessert does she end the call.

10 Ways to Be Respectful

If you own a cell phone, brush up on your cell phone etiquette. Here are ten basic ways to be courteous when using your cell phone:

  1. Be quiet. A cell phone is more sensitive than a regular phone so there is no need to yell.
  2. Take advantage of your phone’s voice mail and caller identification functions. Having the ringer on is not mandatory at all times.
  3. When talking, respect the personal space of others. Don’t talk in hallways, elevators, and other close confines where people are within earshot of your conversation. Ten feet is a generally accepted distance for you to move away from people when talking on a cell phone. Increase the distance if you are a loud talker.
  4. Keep personal information private. People don’t want to hear about your colonoscopy or the affair your brother is having with his neighbour.
  5. Some places are off limits for calls – during church services, at movies, and during classes, lectures, speeches, and such. Some people think they should also be off-limits in public restrooms. Have some respect in such places.
  6. When talking to service people, get off the phone. This includes waiters and waitresses, the cashier at the grocery store, and anyone else who is helping you.
  7. Skip the obnoxious ring tones.
  8. Don’t take calls when you are with other people unless it is an emergency. Your date, your friend you are out for dinner with, and your boss during a meeting won’t appreciate it.
  9. When in dark places like movie theatres, the light from your cell phone is annoying to those around you. Keep it in your purse or pocket.
  10. Don’t ask someone to hold a mobile phone call so you can check your text messages or Google anything. It’s just impolite!

Cell Phones and Driving

Cell phones and driving do not mix, as we all know. In many instances, it is currently unlawful to use a cell phone while driving.

University of Utah researchers found that talking on a cell while driving is more dangerous than driving drunk. The problem isn’t the device itself but the fact that the conversation draws a driver’s attention away from their surroundings. The study found that texting while driving increases the risk of crashing eight-fold.

As Dr. Oz pointed out on his show, one out of every four car crashes is now caused by drivers using cell phones whether for texting or making calls.

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