After its debut last month, Amazfit has unveiled the Falcon in India. With an aircraft-grade TC4 titanium unibody, sapphire crystal glass screen, 20 ATM water resistance, strong and accurate dual-band GPS tracking, support for six satellite positioning systems, enhanced training, support, and more, this is the company’s first high-end multi-sport GPS watch.
The Zepp Coach self-created smart coaching algorithm provides personalized advice based on the user’s physical attributes and level of exercise experience, assisting them in developing better fitness habits and improving their athletic performance. Even better, the Zepp Coach can decide whether a user is overtrained and then accordingly can adjust the intensity of their training plans—or even suggest a day off.
You can also create unique training templates and connect them through Bluetooth to professional external workout equipment like heart rate belts and cycling power meters for a more individualized exercise approach. The smartwatch may automatically recognize numerous strength training routines, which can also keep track of reps, sets, and rest intervals.
It includes built-in storage and more than 150 built-in sports modes, so you can store music on the Watch and play it using Bluetooth headphones. Exercise data may be synced with the Adidas Running app, Apple Health, Google Fit, Relive, and Strava. In addition, the Watch can withstand corrosion and withstand 15 military-grade tests.
Amazfit Falcon Specifications:
- Display size: 1.28″ (416 x 416 pixels), 326 PPI.
- Dual-band location with six satellites, Bluetooth 5.0, and the BioTracker 3.0 PPG biometric sensor.
- Heart rate, SpO2, stress, sleep, breathing, menstrual cycle, and health reminders are all included in the health features.
- Fitness features: Zepp App offers 150+ sports modes.
- Android 7.0 and later and iOS 12.0 and later are supported devices.
- 20 ATM water resistance; 15 Military-grade Tests passed.
- 64g; 49.45×47.2×12.95mm in size and weight.
- Battery life of 500 mAh power is up to 14 days with typical use and 30 days with battery saving mode.
Pricing and Availability:
The Amazfit Falcon costs Rs. 44,999 in India and is available in Titanium with a Supersonic Black strap. On the Amazfit India website, it will be pre-orderable beginning on December 1 and will go on sale starting on December 3, 2022.